

FILM SOUND網站上有一篇很實用的東西
我貼上來給對音效有興趣的朋友們, 或是同事看看



Animals are never ever silent - dogs whine/bark/yip, cats meow or purr, cows moo, even in cases where most animals wouldn't be making a sound.

Rats, mice, squirels and other vermin always make the tiny little squeeky noises constantly while they are on screen.

Dolphins always make that same "dolphin chatter" sound when spinning, jumping, etc.

Snakes are always rattling
Crickets in winter and peepers in the fall
Dogs always know who's bad, and bark at them.

Insects always sound wet

It's the same Cat scream over & over.
Sound effects editor Peter Steinbach once tried to record his own cat scream by stepping on it's tail. His advice: - You only have one take. Step hard! (and dont wear shorts)


Red-tailed hawk screeching - [Listen to and read about Red-tailed hawks!]
Whenever we see a hawk or a bald eagle, the sound is always that same red-tailed hawk screeching sound that's been around since the 50's!
Always just before/or after some dramatic part of an adventure flick, you will here the screeching of a red-tailed hawk.

Whenever a cliff or mountain is shown, especially if it's high, the Red-tailed hawk will screech.

The Red-Tailed Hawk scree signifies outdoors and a big, lonely place

Owls sound like Great Horned Owl. (a bird, that for the most part seems invisible) [Listen to and read about Great Horned Owls!]

In a horror film when there is a full moon there is either an owl or a wolf howling in the distance. [Listen to Wolves!]
The Loon is mostly found in lakes in North America. In the movies it seems to be just about anywhere in the world.
[Listen to Loons|
Kookaburras (a type of large Australian kingfisher) are inhabitants of African/South American jungles, not Australian open forest. (laughing bird sound, see most Tarzan films). [read about and listen to Laughing Kookaburra!]
A Field Guide to Hollywood Bird Songs
Unnatural acts on movie soundtracks by Robert Winkler


All bicycles have bells (that sounds)


Bombs always have big, blinking, beeping timer displays.
If something explodes, it takes about a minute for the explosions to stop
Explosions always happen in slow motion. When an explosion occurs, make certain you are running away from the point of detonation so the blast can send you flying, in slow motion, toward the camera.
Bombs "whistle" when falling from a plane

Car tires "always" screech on dirt roads.
Car breaks must always squeak
Car tires must always squeal when the car turns, pulls away or stops

On big budget films- whenver a car does any maneuver It must accelerate - ideally to the point of peeling out! even if it is going under 20mph

In a route we hear a large truck and a horn with Doppler effect


Every button you press on a computer makes some kind of beep

Text being spelled out on screen (whether computer or lower third) MUST make some sort of typing and/or dot-matrix-printer type of sound.

in foreign language versions of u.s. movies computers show their messages in english, but they all can speak!

Castle Thunder
Until around the late '80s, whenever you heard a thunderclap in a movie, it was probably "Castle Thunder".
Listen to and read about "Castle Thunder"

Storms start instantaneously: there's a crack of thunder and lightning, then heavy rain starts falling.
Thunder is always in sync with the lightning, and the explosion sounds are always in sync with the stuff blowing up, no matter how far away. Same for fireworks
Whisteling types of wind are always used
Non-stop bubbles underwater
Doors always squeek
Enviromental sound to a shoot with the window open, are always next to a schoolyard or a construction-site.
When in San Francisco, no matter where you are, you always hear a cable car and or a fog horn.

The Universal Telephone Ring
Endlessly used on television (especially in TV shows produced at Universal Studios during the '70s and '80s) and in many films as well - is the sound of a telephone ringing.
Read about and listen to "The Universal Telephone Ring"

Exterior Ambiences: No matter where you are outside, if it's not in the city, you hear a lonely cricket chirping

Trains: we always hear the same old classic distant trainhorn over and over again.

in U.S. films playing in big cities there's always a police horn in the background - in films from other countries... never!!!!

When a light bulb gets broken, there's always a kind of electric sound

Whenever there is a fight or commotion going on in the upstairs of a house, the person downstairs won't hear a thing because the noise of gunshots, chairs falling over, screams etc will be totally masked by the following sounds; the phone ringing, the washing machine beginning its spin cycle, the dog barking, a drink is being whizzed up in the liquidiser or the maid beginning the vacuum cleaning. .

Helicopters always fly from surround to front-speakers.
People standing outside a running helicopter can always talk in normal or just slightly louder than normal voices
Every helicopter shutting down emits the chirp-chirp-chirp sound of the rubber drive belts disengaging, in spite of the fact that only the famous Bell 47G (the Mash chopper) actually makes this sound.
Piston helicopters always start up with screaming turbine engine sounds.
An approaching airplane or helicopter will make no noise until it is directly over the characters, at which point it will suddenly become thunderingly loud.
Characters will never hear an approaching airplane or helicopter, even though in real life you would hear them approaching for at least a minute before they were close enough to see. This also holds true for approaching armies on horseback and tank battallions.
The tires of any jet screech upon landing
Any airplane in a dive will make a whining noise that will get louder and higher-pitched the longer the dive lasts.


When a character pulls out a knife, even from his pants, you hear a sound of metal brushing metal

The WILHELM Scream
A series of short painful screams performed by an actor were recorded in 1951 for the Warner Brother's film "Distant Drums." They were used for a scene where a man is bitten and dragged underwater by an alligator. The recording was archived into the studio's sound effects library -- and it was used in many of their films since. "Star Wars" Sound Designer Ben Burtt tracked down the scream recording - which he named "Wilhelm" from a character who let out the same scream in "Charge at Feather River (1953)." Ben has adopted the scream as sort of a personal sound signature, and has worked it into as many films as he can.

Steve Lee's list of films using the Wilhelm scream

Free Dictionary's list of films using the Wilhelm scream

L. Mangue's Wilhelm Scream List (at Nerf-Herders Anonymous.net)

NPR Wilhelm Scream feature tells much of the story of the Wilhelm Scream. (includes link to RealAudio file)

The scream de la scream (Guardian Unlimited)

The Wilhelm Scream - in WAV format, 170 KB

Video compilation of The Wilhelm Scream Clips - in MOV format, 48 MB
Even when depicted as foreigners (including aliens from outer space) all actors speak and understand a common language (usually English) unless the film's plot depends on a language barrier.

The same women's recorded voice is heard in every spaceship, space-station, government building, etc. announcing something to the effect of the main computer has been shut down, this ship will self destruct in one minute.
Baby crying and bad news
The Godfather: when Don Corleone is shot, Sonny barges in to his house and announces this. Followed by baby crying.

Snow Falling on Cedars: the sheriff announces to a woman that her fisherman husband is dead. Followed by baby crying

Kids can always whisper even if their two inchs away from a villian - he won't hear. If they step on a branch however, the villians will immediatly know its not some animal, and catch them.

Whenever someone falls off of a cliff or building, no matter how much damage they take beforehand, they scream, even if they were shot
through the lungs twenty or thirty times, or were apparently unconscious.

When villains fall to their deaths, you can hear their screams gradually fade out, even if they only fall ten feet or so.

When there's a police car standing, there are always hundreds of voices in it's radio.

People's voices on telephones (and answering machines) always sound just like their normal voice, except a little bit more nasal. Their voices are never distorted by things like holding the mouthpiece too close to their face or breathing through their mouth.

Character Acting: A Cockney accent is always as per Dick van Dyke from Mary Poppins.

Arm and legs of karate-actors always make a funny "swish" sound when they kick,hit or jump, they also tend to scream in a funny way prior to any fighting-action.

Anytime a person speaks into a microphone, their first words will cause the mic to feed back.

The first spoken words must be either 'Testing, Testing' or 'One Two,One Two'

Motorcycle engines in movies can inexplicably change from 4-stroke Otto cycle to 2-stroke cycle operation.
Motorcycles usually change from Harley Davidson choppers when engaged in highway operations to Yamaha Dirt bikes when operated off-road (as in "Then Came Bronson").

Police Harleys will morph into Triumph Bonnevilles when operating in tight quarters (on the ship in "Magnum Force").


Any moving graphic on a sports broadcast (esp. NBC) has to use the same "fireball" sound effect.

When the star travels to...
London, we see a shot of Big Ben and hear Rule,Britainia.
Hong Kong: a Chinese junk and wooden xylophone music (or a deep gong).
New York: a traffic jam on Broadway and frenetic xylophone music.
Paris: the Eiffel Tower and accordion music.

When listening to music on the radio in the car, the song on the radio never changes during a single scene. The scene rarely outlasts the song...if it does, one of the characters will turn the radio off before the end of the song.
There are never any commercials on the radio.
It's always easy to find romantic makeout music on the radio right when you need it.

The DJ allways turns the music down when actors talk in disco and club-scenes
Those tiny people far, far away in that long shot on the beach should always sound like they're talking directly into your ear - no matter how far away they are, even though they're whispering . . .
People in a wide open field or dense forest can make their voice echo if they yell loud enough.
When you get punched in the face, it sounds like you broke a salami over the back of a chair
All kisses need to sound sloppy and wet.
Blood will always squish when oozing from a wound.
Dreams are always drenched in a lot of reverb.
People never answer the door until the doorbell or knocking has sounded at least three times

It is now the modern era, and thus, sound has been installed in space by the elimination of that nasty vacuum problem.
[ Read about "Dramatic emotional approach" ]

Explosions in space make noise
There's a deep humming in space, no doubt about it
Sounds in space must have some element of a flanger involved

Applies to absolutely every movie: Some noisy event (crash, shot, explosion) occurs at quite a distance from the camera. Nevertheless, the sound is heard at the same instant. The speed of sound - usually 300 meters per second - here always is the same as the speed of light. (But not everyone - Titanic has a long shot as the boat starts sinking where a signal flare is set off. The sound follows a good 2 seconds behind)


lmost any huge surround sound explosion. In fact generally the use of surround in any action or action-drama film. Everything is everywhere, with a crystal-clear glistening 20Hz - 20KHz bandwidth.

A fired gun never recoils.

Guns (handguns, rifles, machineguns etc) have a really deep "BOOOMMM!!" sound not a "CRACK!". Also, the there's old cliche about the number of rounds the average magazine holds, the good guys almost never run out of ammo, and they seem to be able to use a handgun accurately to over a 100 meter range (accuracy of weapons over distance is pretty much a factor of barrel length - handguns are for CLOSE distances).
All sub machine guns sound alike and have the same rate of fire
Machine guns and their rate of fire ... most users of these weapons can manage to sustain over 10 second continuous rate of fire (in actuality, you are supposed to fire the things in short bursts -- after a long burst the barrel will heat up so much the weapon will jam). Also I have never ever seen any protagonist change a MGs *barrel* no matter how long he has used the MG. (the barrels overheat, and also sustain incrediable wear requiring these to be changed -- often in battle, the gunner's mate will carry spare barrels as well as the inexhaustible ammo supply which weighs next-to-nothing). Esp. WW2 era weapons.
Bullets always ricochet, and they must travel pretty slow because the "rico" is 1/2 second later after it moves 50 feet
All bullets make a distinkt riccoche sound and when flying past you they make a zip noise when in fact they are moving faster than the speed of sound and in real life would produce a whip lash or bang sound

Handguns: All handguns make a frightening clicking sound when handled as though to suggest that the parts are loose. The more advanced the gun (Men in Black) the louder, and more varried, the clicking. In real life any gun making noises like that would probably explode in your hand with the first discharge. Note: All energy type weapons will power up with a loud hum.




你會不會常常覺得我們都一把年紀了,青少年時的熱血都不知道跑到那邊去了? 有感於此,衛帆決定到球場去大聲加油順便錄音,錄下我最愛的明星球員熱血應援歌來改編,沒收任何人的錢,只為了為中華職棒冠軍戰加油!!!!大家隨意download,一起熱血吧!! 第一首改編自兄弟隊的 戰斧之歌 ,錄音的地點在京華城的地下廣場, 那一天正好是奧運中華隊對上韓國隊 ,我那天因為在錄音,所以不能準時收看,只能在錄音完從公司火速趕往對面的京華城去跟大家一起看大螢幕…還記得那天我從公司要出發時,中華隊己經0-8落後給韓國隊了,本來覺得有點不想去了(不敢面對這個現實),但是最後還是去了,結果我竟然看到一場超棒的比賽!!!在彭政閔的一支安打之下,我們追平了, 0比8竟然追到8-8了 …我用我的小型錄音器錄下了這個興奮的瞬間,而在彭政閔上壘後,大家也一起唱起了兄弟隊的戰斧之歌(因為彭政閔是兄弟隊的主炮),我也錄了下來,做為改編之用… 在冠軍戰時po上來,取名為" 4割男的戰鬥 ",大家一起熱血吧!!! 4割男的戰鬥 download (新,謝謝sssun大大) 第2首改編曲叫做" 雷神重擊之預告 ",我特別跑去天母球場錄下了統一重炮"布雷"的超熱血出場曲來改編!!每次布雷出場時,統一的樂隊總是會演奏這首布雷的專屬應援曲,我每次聽了都超high的!!這次也把他改編成"雷神重擊之預告"po上來,enjoy!!!(統一應援團太high有點吹到逼切了,不過還是很有感覺) 布雷的火力真的很嚇人,今年全壘打大賽竟然打出了46發全壘打,打破美國職棒在2005年全壘打大賽阿布瑞尤41轟的紀錄, 今年中華職棒冠軍戰我光看打擊天材"彭政閔"跟布雷這2個重炮對轟我看就值回票價了! 雷神重擊之預告 download (新,謝謝sssun大大) 前天彭政閔跑壘受傷,可能要在最後的冠軍戰缺席幾場, 他奮戰求勝的意志讓他流下了男兒淚!!加油啊彭政閔!!一定要再出來啊!!! 其實啊,我覺得今年不管是那一隊拿下台灣第一,11月的亞洲職棒大賽我們都相當有機會 作掉 日本跟韓國的,加油吧,台灣野球!! 對我改編的音樂有任何想法歡迎留言給我或是mail給我哦!!! 若無直接download,這有一個連結...


因為公司的對面就是百貨公司,所以常常會有機會到百貨公司走動… 每次進了百貨公司之後,總是會看到許多跟" 享受購物的快感 "有關係的廣告,不過我每次都很懷疑這種享受購物快樂的快樂是不是真的很快樂。 我覺得,真正的快樂會許就像一條快樂的鏈子一樣,是一環扣著一環的,少了一個就差很多的…舉個例子來說好了 1、你很愛你的工作 2、你從你很愛的工作,賺到了錢 3、你賺到的錢足夠讓你沒有後顧之憂,讓你可以把心思放在快樂這件事上 4、錢再多也沒有用,有心愛的人在身旁,這個快樂才不會有遺憾 5、你愛的人很了解你,能夠分享你的一切,而不是成天跟你鬧情緒 6、你拿你賺的錢,去購買你想買的東西,然後跟心愛的人一起分享那份喜悅 7、你買完了東西後,可以睡個好覺,在睡前捫心自問, 沒有對不起誰,而且所謂的夢想這個東西也還在你身邊。若是睡一睡就掛了的話,我可以上天堂十拿九穩 8、早上起來,一想到今天的工作一定很棒,又可以好好地大幹一場的心情,開始工作… 然後,又跳回第一項…不斷地循環著。 我想這才會真正的快樂吧… 曾經聽說幾個貴婦朋友會去買那種超級名牌的理由,竟然是因為在家不受到家人跟小孩的尊重,所以才要去那些精品店,享受一下被店員重視,被捧在手掌心的感覺… 唉…為了這種理由去買精品,還真是空虛啊… 也許快樂這件事是很全面的,我只能說,當你放棄了你的夢想時,真正的快樂就不是你從那一個點去補足它,它就會存在的…


昨天返校的實體原聲帶開始預購了,非常開心,今天就寫點跟遊戲配樂有關事情。 "請問該怎麼把遊戲配樂做好" 其實是我最常被其它同行問到的問題之一。在回答這個問題之前,我想先做個簡單說明。 我覺得以作曲家的角度來看,我覺得遊戲配樂跟電影配樂其實是同一件事情。為什麼? 我現在寫遊戲配樂時,大多都是貼著gameplay的影片然後開著cue sheet文件寫,在創作的時侯,我須要思考的部分有幾個。 1、故事在說什麼,畫面給我什麼感覺,畫面的節奏感是什麼? 2、前面的情緒是什麼,音樂是什麼? 3、後面的情緒是什麼,音樂是什麼? 4、有沒有要在音樂上跟著劇情留一些伏筆? 有沒有發現,以上,都跟貼著畫面寫的電影音樂是一樣的流程? 只有一點不一樣,那就是我無法完全預測玩家在某一個地點停留的時間,所以我們的音樂需要能loop回來然後接的起來,無論你用什麼方式(分軌或整個音樂loop),從樂理上或感官上要能loop回來即可,在你把音樂放到遊戲中,聽起來沒問題即可。 回到我們的問題。請問該怎麼把遊戲配樂做好"?我的回答是,都一樣。只要你有解釋畫面並且有用音樂配合著畫面說故事的能力,我覺得遊戲音樂跟其它的配樂無都一樣。 坂本龍一、久石讓都是偉大的電影配樂作曲家,同樣的,他們在寫遊戲配樂時,也都是非常偉大的遊戲配樂家。 然後,偷偷告訴你們,當你寫遊戲配樂,去租用錄音室、請樂手、混音師、出譜時,會不會比弄電影音樂便宜,不會。我們的花費都是一樣的(貴)。 雖然都一樣,但是相同的,無論對什麼音樂來說,寫好音樂都是非常困難的一件事,這就不是今天要討論的主題了。 談完一樣的部分,我們來談談,遊戲配樂跟其它音樂在"其它範圍"上的不一樣。 在台灣,文化部有影視原聲帶的補助,但談到遊戲音樂時,沒有,遊戲跟遊戲音樂是工業局的範圍,跟文化部無關。 作曲家王希文在世大運開幕後曾說「開幕式是台灣劇場人的勝利」,聽到這個話時我思考了一下,他們是劇場界的人,那我是什麼人? 我目前遊戲音樂占工作量差不多一半,那我算是"工業界"的人吧,我猜。 大學唸工科,唸完了當作曲家,還是工科,真的是對我爸媽有交待了Orz。 遊戲音樂能不能報金曲獎?以現行的金曲獎來說,演奏類只有2個獎項能報,第1個是"演奏類 最佳專輯獎",第2個能報的是"最...